Dating in the world of COVID-19

Frustrated at not being able to meet someone or go dating during COVID-19? Would you like to meet some fabulous professional people?

Well, lock down restrictions are easing so it’s time to get proactive & make your love life a priority!

Written by: Robyn Nind – founder of Blue Label Life and professional matchmaker

Let’s be realistic about this and know that over the last 6 months the dating world has been turned on it’s head. COVID-19 & social distancing has had a huge impact on singles and they way they date. Put simply, it has stopped the dating world in it’s tracks. Singles throughout Australia have had to put their love life and search for a partner on hold as this pandemic has meant that we have all had to stay at home through lock down and continue our single lives binging on Netflix. This has actually been an opportune time to reflect on our lives and how important it is to have a loving partner.

There are the usual dating apps online which has allowed people to meet for a coffee or walk, but the likes of dating agencies like us at Blue Label Life it has meant that potential partners have had to meet for the first time differently. Whether it be a quick zoom meeting, a Skype chat or What’s App video chat the dating landscape has shifted. And, what made matters even worse was no one was really sure if they could meet or not and if they could, where would they go for their first date.

We have had a lot of calls from people eager to join up but they have been a bit reluctant to do so because of the COVID-19 social distancing measures. Questions like where are we going to meet and what are we going to do on our first date is very much front of mind for most singles. To be honest a walk in the park is a great way to connect with someone, as it is relaxed and gives both of you an opportunity to connect and this is what most people have been doing.

For those who have been reluctant to meet in person have used this lock down time to get to know each other emotionally before they meet. This creates anticipation and build excitement before the first actual physical meeting.

There is some good news about dating in 2020 with COVID-19

As I am writing this article at the end of May ’20, we are starting to see the NSW state Government ease up on social distancing and lock down measures. See link here.

And, for those looking for love this is fantastic news because you can as of 1st June have up to 50 people in a bar, café or pub. So, if you have been wondering what to do on your first meetup the problem is solved. Not only can you go for a drink or a coffee but you can also go to a bar or pub for a few drinks.

There will be the usual social distancing measures and you will have to disinfect your hands when you enter a place but this is the way it is moving forward in this post pandemic COVID-19 climate. People have and will start to gradually come to accept these new ways and start to incorporate these COVID-19 measures into their daily lives and this does include the whole dating scene.

Some tips for dating in Sydney & Melbourne during COVID-19

The dating world has changed because of COVID-19 but the fundamentals are still the same. You can still meet up and spend time with each other and you can still enjoy each other’s company; perhaps even a little romance. But following are some essential COVID-19 dating tips to keep in mind.

  • If you are going to a café or restaurant, don’t just turn up. Make sure you book in advance as seating limits will apply.
  • There might be queues into cafes, pubs etc as people wait to be seated and sterilise their hands so give yourself a bit more time before the date starts.
  • You will still have to social distance from other people so expect some adjustments where you are seated at your table.
  • You can have romance – which I know is important if there is an element of chemistry and you both like each other.

So, if you have been apprehensive about dating or looking for a partner in the last 6 months during COVID19 it’s time to stop the procrastinating and get out there and be proactive in your search for a partner.

At Blue Label Life we have been joining members to our database over this period and have lots of wonderful singles looking to meet someone special, especially after this lengthy lock down. There is light at the end of the tunnel and there are many professional singles out there waiting to meet someone just like you post COVID-19.

Related article: Blue Label Life – Date Coaching and Matchmaking


robyn nind - professional matchmaker

Robyn Nind is the founder of Blue Label Life and has been helping professional singles meet for well over a decade. Robyn is passionate about her work and this is why so many Sydney & Melbourne singles turn to her for relationship help, dating advice and of course finding a partner.

robyn nind - professional matchmaker

Robyn Nind is a dating coach and matchmaker at Blue Label Life. Robyn has helped countless singles find love and a partner.

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