What to say and do on the phone when talking to a date for the first time: Dating tips for single men and women
I love this question!! It’s brilliant. Did you know that your first call is actually is your first date? Men usually treat the first call as a rather technical procedure and keep the conversation brief. It’s all about planning and focusing on the end result ie where you plan to meet for your in-the-flesh first date.
Women often over analyse the first phone call, making judgement on the length of the call, the chemistry…etc.
The interaction on the first phone call is a very important step to establishing rapport and a connection. Unless your Nostradamus it really is impossible to predict whether the person is for you simply on a call.
Remember we all have our preferences for our communication techniques. Some of us are auditory, some of us are visual, while others a combination! So never be too judgemental!
Five tips for your first phone call with a new date
1. Call your date at the right time
Early evening is best. At other times it’s more than likely your potential date will be consumed by work and other responsibilities. They won’t give you their full attention.
2. Call your date from the right place
Ensure you are in a comfortable, quiet and relaxed environment – never at work, in your car whilst fighting traffic or at a friend’s house. Create an environment with a little background music to set the scene. TV can be very distracting as the other person on the line could be listening in to what you are watching rather than being present in your conversation.
3. Create great small talk
Be interesting and engaging; never talk about the weather, politics and your health or past relationships. Talk, tease, laugh and exchanging ideas are an excellent in establishing common ground.
Find out if you have similar sporting interests, travel, favourite past times, talk about the fun experiences!
This is a great opportunity for you to establish whether your date is adventurous or prefers something more relaxed for your face to face meeting.
4. Plan for your first date
Have a goal in mind! Think of a day, time and a couple of locations that you can suggest for your first date, whether it’s a chic lounge, a picnic in the park, Ferris wheel ride at your local theme park or relaxing Sunday lunch over the harbour!
5. Limit your phone time!
I recommend getting off the phone as soon as you can. Limit the call to 5 – 10 minutes. Don’t linger – be brief, bright and bubbly! Keep up the mystery and your date will want more! It enhances excitement!!
And what if it’s a bad phone call?
Don’t play the blame game – look within and take responsibility and realise we are all human and no one is perfect! Quickly turn a situation around with light heartedness.