How to take a good profile photo

A profile photo can make or break your dating experience. Let’s be honest, we are all visual creatures. Who wouldn’t want to meet a stunning woman or handsome man with the personality to match?woman with glasses

Put simply, a great photo increases your chances of finding love tenfold. A bad photo can do the opposite.

You literally have five seconds to make a good first impression, and when you’re not there in the flesh, your profile photo shapes that initial “wow” factor.

Whether it be searching online or receiving matches from a professional matchmaker, you are casting for
Before you have your photo taken, imagine you are about to go on a date. If you’re not putting the same time and effort into your photo shoot as you would for a date, chances are you’re not preparing the right way.
Think about the following factors:

1. Your hair

Those of you sporting the “Jennifer Aniston” circa late 90s, it’s time for a new look. Hop online and Google the latest celebrity hairstyles. No need for a major revamp, but don’t be afraid to take a risk with your hairstyle. With your hair stylists blessing, chances are it will pay off! Oh, and before your snapshot GET A BLOW DRY!

2. Smile!

It’s scientifically proven that women who smile at the camera find more success than those who don’t. Nuff said.

Practice your smile in front of the mirror, too. More teeth and less gum is the key to a perfect smile :-)

3. Your photographer

Never under any circumstance display a profile picture that’s taken by you or your webcam. It simply won’t do you justice. If you’re feeling fancy, hire a professional photographer or at the very least use a friend who knows what he/she are doing.

4. Location

This is a tough one, and it largely depends on the skills of your photographer and your complexion.  Generally speaking, the magical light of early morning and late afternoon is usually best for landscapes and it is often advantageous to have the sun at your back. On the other hand, in a big city, midday may bring out stark contrasts.
If it’s foggy or rainy, a filter may help.

5. The pose

There’s no need to show too much skin. A little cleavage is ok, but it’s important to find the balance between respective and a little mischievous, same goes for men going shirtless.

I wouldn’t recommend holding alcohol, even if it is a glass of wine or champagne at a cocktail party. As silly as it may sound, the key is to remove any signs of something being “wrong” with you. Alcohol may draw connotations with alcoholics. Too much skin says “too friendly”. Not enough skin may send “uptight” signals. Cropping out a person may signify that you were happiest with your ex partner, even if he is your brother in the photograph.

The point is, you just never know what assumptions people may make when they see your profile photo, so the key is to keep it simple.

robyn nind - professional matchmaker

Robyn Nind is a dating coach and matchmaker at Blue Label Life. Robyn has helped countless singles find love and a partner.

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