The Road To Happiness

Happiness is a destination as much as it is a choice.

And that means that you can steer yourself towards the direction of happiness.

Navigating through the roadmap of finding true joy in life involves key strategies to help you achieve fulfilment in your life. Following these seven principles will leave you more fulfilled and satisfied with your life; the penultimate reward of which is to be happy.

Also Read: What You Need To Do To Find Happiness In Love

#1 Embrace your values.

To live the good life, live through your values and see how doing so add more happiness to your days. If you value and love your work, excel in it. If you find fulfilment in helping others, find a way to give back.

#2 Set your own happiness meter.

Look at how happy you are right now and start from there and work your way up until you are fulfilled. Most people commit the mistake of comparing themselves with others and gauge their happiness based on how other people measure theirs. You see others travelling and living a luxurious life and suddenly you think you are living a lesser existence. But you have to think whether the things that make other people happy are the same things that will make you happy. So long as you keep up with the Joneses, you will never find genuine happiness.

#3 Live a meaningful life.

When all your material gains are taken away from you, you will only be left with experiences and moments. Therefore, it is much more rewarding to make your actions, choices, and life’s moments really count. This is achieved by determining who you want to be.

#4 Do more of what really makes you happy.

Psychology Today elaborates this by telling us you sometimes feel like you don’t love your life? Like, deep inside, something is missing? That’s because we are living someone else’s life. We allowed other people to influence or determine our choices—we are trying to please their expectations.

Stop living your life for other people. Don’t fall into the trap of meeting their expectations and keeping them happy while you are miserable. Learn the accept that the choices and decisions you make that lead to your happiness may sometimes be faced with an admonishment from others.

#5 Avoid the “What if’s” in life.

When you keep on wondering how things will turn out instead of doing things, you are stalling your happiness. You are putting yourself on indefinite hold. Happiness is not absolute and continuous, but it can be achieved. Don’t be set back by the prospect of encountering difficulties. Because the reality is, when you have finally traversed one mountain, another one is waiting for you at the end of it. But never live life thinking you’re going to miss out on things according to Time. They tell us it’s certainly not a good thing. And it leads you to check social media again and again and again so you don’t feel out of the loop. So you know you’re doing okay. So you don’t feel left out.

#6 Don’t get frustrated easily.

It is easy to get frustrated when things don’t go your way. In fact, it’s a natural human reaction. But making it your go-to feeling every single time you are met with an obstacle to your personal fulfilment and happiness, it’ll eat away the joy in your life. Choose not to be flustered with all the little things that don’t seem to go your way. Things happen because they happen and you can’t control that. But your attitude and the way you react to situations are entirely up to you.

#7 Take control.

Your life is a montage of scenes of which you are the sole director and cinematographer. You have the power to make it beautiful by focusing on the positive. Be thankful for the things that go your way and learn from the things that don’t.

robyn nind - professional matchmaker

Robyn Nind is a dating coach and matchmaker at Blue Label Life. Robyn has helped countless singles find love and a partner.

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