The dating agency of choice for smart, savvy and pretty awesome Sydneysiders, Melbourners & Canberran.

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Meet Robyn, your personal matchmaker, dating coach & director of Blue Label Life

About Blue Label Life

How would you like the best professional matchmaker in Sydney, Melbourne and Canberra to help you find a partner?

Well, it’s now possible with the help of Robyn, your best friend in the dating world.

Robyn Nind has achieved great success in matchmaking because of her uncanny knack of discerning the right personality, background and values that make a relationship stick.

Robyn brings an infectious level of energy and enthusiasm to professional matchmaking and the Blue Label Life team.

One phone call to her and you will immediately see why.

From first impressions to rekindling chemistry, Robyn uses her vast matchmaking/dating service experience and counselling background to propel her clients into relationships as happy, healthy, successful and rewarding as their professional careers or businesses.

Her genuine interest in people is evident in the first meeting.

Everyone is instantly at ease with her wonderful personality and ability to connect.

Her clients know Robyn as their “ultimate secret weapon”.

If you want to step into a powerful position of taking control of every aspect of your life; especially your love life then Robyn is your perfect matchmaker.

She is passionate about connection, bringing the right men and women together, and creating life-changing transformations.

If you crave personal and professional success, as well as having a relationship too, then Robyn can help you make it happen, so you can have it all.

Redefine your version of success…

Robyn is widely regarded as an expert in her field and has a track record of matching her clients successfully.

Just read some of her success stories.

Blue Label Life: Your Personal Cupid

Blue Label Life is your personal cupid, your love-life personal assistant. Since opening our doors in 2005, the Blue Label Life team have matched thousands of attractive, intelligent, highly successful single men and women who:

  • are you looking for a genuine long-term relationship with someone special in Sydney, Melbourne or Canberra?
  • have little time to go out and meet new people socially
  • know what they want and don’t want in a partner
  • are not interested in the clichéd singles scene
  • don’t feel comfortable with online dating and are completely fed up with apps like Tinder and Bumble
  • value their privacy, health, fitness and presentation
  • enjoy the finer things in life
  • want to meet their equal
  • have tried other online dating websites without any success

Robyn Nind - blue label lifeMeet Robyn, the director of Blue Lable Life. With over a decade’s experience as a matchmaker, Robyn is here to help busy executives, professionals and business people meet their ideal partner.

We Get to Know You

We get to know you and listen to your needs first before we set out on a mission to find your potential ideal matches. Even after having matched thousands of men and women successfully we still get excited every time two clients fall head over heels in love. This is what get’s us up each morning.

Ready to meet the one?