I can’t tell you how rewarding it is to be a matchmaker at Blue Label Life especially when I see the transformations that take place with our clients. I literally pinch myself every day.
When I was a little girl I never imagine being a matchmaker. I didn’t know that this century old profession actually existed.
As most of my clients know I’m a scientist turned matchmaker and as you can imagine when I told my friends and family about my career transition back in 2005 they thought I was bonkers!
Especially my dad, he couldn’t understand why I would leave a secure career for something that only a small handful of people were doing.
For me it was all about following my heart because I knew I had a gift that I had to share. It was a MUST for me to transform life.
Looking back, it’s the best move I have ever made.
I have so much gratitude for everyone that has given me the opportunity to help them.
Thank you to all my wonderful clients at Blue Label Life, it’s you I value most.
To bring love into the lives of people is very special.
Loretta’s story is proof that opening up your mind, opens up your heart so you too can find love.
I always tell my special clients at Blue Label Life, to expect to fall in love with someone you least expect.
Finding love is all about having the right mindset.
If you focus on a person’s positive traits, your compatibility, your values, your dreams and be playful and trust that there is someone out there for you.
Love will happen. People will gravitate to you. You will be more attractive and sought after because if you make a person feel good about themselves, then they naturally want to be with you.
If you focus on the negative you will block love. Negative vibes act as a repellent to love and relationships.
Enjoy the email below from my special client.
Love is the most magical experience. The deepest human need known to mankind.
One that note, I’d like to share one of my favourite quotes from the classical beauty, Audrey Hepburn.
From everyone at Blue Label Life, have a wonderful weekend.