How to RSVP to an invitation

Confused about RSVP and don’t know how to reply properly to all you’re party invites?

Following is a quick explanation to help you understand RSVP.

Rsvp invitation written on paper

Great tips on how to RSVP; when and how!

RSVP is a French term meaning “répondez s’il vous plait”, which in English means “please reply”. It is used for social invitations to make sure all guests during the event are accounted for and well taken care of. Here are certain things to guide in you in observing the proper etiquette on how to respond to RSVPs.

What is the correct way to answer an RSVP?

The general rule is simple: answer in the same manner that the invitation was given to you. Address it with the same degree of formality. If you received the invitation in writing, respond in the same way unless the invitation lists a number or email address to which you may respond to.

What’s the right format?

 For weddings and formal events, RSVP cards are usually included. Should that be the case, mail it back in a timely manner. You may make a small note on that card if you’re planning on attending.

The manner of writing should mirror the format of the invitation. If it is informal writing, write your response in centred lines and third-person view. Say for example, “Ms Jane Doe accepts with pleasure the invitation of Mr and Mrs Hill for Saturday, 9th of February.

How about last-minute changes?

If due to certain circumstances you suddenly find yourself unable to attend, still communicate the changes. Send a message and simply apologize for whatever inconvenience the changes may have caused and wish the hosts well for their event.

Adobe has some great tips on how to respond to an RSVP in their article: How to fill out an RSVP card – which is a handy read for first timers.

When to RSVP?

There’s that time of the year when everyone seems to be getting married or having parties. You become excited. You’re now thinking what to wear. But then you see multiple events lining up in your calendar. Each invite requires you to RSVP. Now you’re having a headache. You are not sure which ones you’d love to attend and which ones to ditch.

So how do you respond? You think, “I’ll just wait a few days before the event and see if I’m to attending it”. The truth is, if you do just that, you might not find yourself invited to any events the following year. Here are a few key reminders on when to RSVP when you are asked to.

Make up your mind. If you decided to attend the event, stick to it no matter what. Make a decision in your mind that no matter what comes up in the coming days before the event, you are going to see through it.

Respond within the proper time frame. Invites usually include the time by when you should respond. However, two weeks prior to the event is the best and reasonable time to inform the people who invited you whether you can make it or not. This gives them time to inform their vendors, especially the caterer, with the right head count.

Manner of response doesn’t matter. Whether you send a note or you do it electronically (as we are in a digital age) thru email or SMS, just make sure you respond. Your response, regardless of which, is what’s really important. Just respond, it’s the polite thing to do. However, it wouldn’t hurt to respond in the same manner in which the invitation was sent.

Do not show up unprecedented. Just because you decided you wanted to go last minute, doesn’t mean you should. Sure, you’ve got an invite, but you have implied beforehand that you aren’t coming. When you arrive unannounced, you are being inconsiderate to the host because they aren’t prepared to entertain you.

Forgetting to respond. When you unintentionally forget to respond on the indicated date for RSVP, hosts usually take a non-response that you are not attending. But you have been graciously invited, so even if it’s too late, inform them that you are sorry for overlooking the RSVP date. They will respond if they can still accommodate you or not.

robyn nind - professional matchmaker

Robyn Nind is a dating coach and matchmaker at Blue Label Life. Robyn has helped countless singles find love and a partner.

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