Reasons Why Men Pull Away?

Is he taking a time-out or is he gone for good?

 More often than not, some women are left hanging in midair, breathing (or choking) in the dust gathered from her man speeding away from her. Where before he was whispering sweet nothings in your ear, he suddenly hasn’t spoken a single word to you in like forever.

So why do men detach emotionally from their partners? Here are the reasons why.

The need to return to the “me” state.

Experiencing an intimate relationship makes men feel the need to regain their sense of self, or their “me” state. Sometimes, women just have to understand that men need space and time to regain their wanton greed for intimacy again.

The rubber band effect.

 This happens most especially in long-term relationships where women have the “emotional” rubber band pulled too tight towards her side. She appears overeager and overinvolved earlier than her male partner is ready to handle. A woman must remember that guys like chasing women, so she must make him feel like he has to earn her and take things emotionally slow. This is also very common early in the relationship just before he falls in love. Let him go, he will come back if he is meant to, chase him and he will run even further.

You’re not the one for him.

Or the feeling is mutual. This realization may be disappointing at first, but anyone who thinks that they are in the wrong relationship is right to pull away while it’s still early. Staying in a relationship where neither partner thinks it will work out in the long term will eventually turn out for the worse.

He thinks you’ve changed.

You’re not the same woman he met when you first started dating. He may have been attracted to your best suits because you were so much fun and eventually he’s starting to see that you weren’t exactly the kind of woman he was hoping for. That could be enough reason why he’d turn the other way.

He’s just not ready.

It may sound like it’s cliché but he’s just the kind of guy who’s not ready for a commitment, so no matter  what you say or do, you just can’t make him stay. There are also that type of guy that fears the loss of freedom and the reason why he’s pulling away is he thinks that his loss of sexual, financial, and time freedom may not all be worth the trouble of committing to a relationship.

robyn nind - professional matchmaker

Robyn Nind is a dating coach and matchmaker at Blue Label Life. Robyn has helped countless singles find love and a partner.

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