Where to meet successful singles

How can I meet successful single men and single women?

Where to meet successful singles

I am asked this question on a daily basis. My response is, “What it is you are interested in?” The type of person you are looking for is often interested in many of the same things – and you’ll find them doing them!

Find singles with similar interests

Are you looking for an active man or woman who loves the water, the gym, is family orientated and has a passion for wine? Your first step to success is to get out there amongst those activities. Your next love will not come knocking at your door – a cliché I know but you really have to be proactive.

Try something new other single men and women are trying

Do something different! Men get out there and start dancing classes, women love to dance and there is an overwhelming amount of women in Salsa classes, Tango and so forth so head down to your local dance company. This is a wonderful exercise, you will get into shape, meet some fantastic ladies and potentially the right one!

Art classes and interior design are great too. I recently spent 6 weeks at an interior design course, with over 30 women and only 1 man, a true haven for men!

Women, think of all the places and activities you would like your man to be interested in.

If its drinking excessively, late nights and time with the boys then a night club or bar is your best option. But if you are like most women you would rather avoid that!

Get creative

Be creative seek out someone with similar interests. Take a course sailing the harbour, you will have fun and meet wonderful new people, imagine the connections you will make!! Or try your hand at golf. Golf lessons or time at the driving range will connect you with a large number of men!

Get involved in a charity where you will find someone with a good heart and generosity.

And of course, the gym is another fantastic place to meet someone of the opposite sex! More and more am I seeing great looking athletic men joining my yoga class!

Singles network

There are so many single men and women of all ages out there looking for love. It’s all about being open, engaging and proactive. Join a networking group, take up a new hobby, ask a friend if they know of any one eligible or join a professional agency.

Remember both men and women love interesting people, it is a win-win situation while you take up new interests you expand your social circle and increase your chances of finding the one!

robyn nind - professional matchmaker

Robyn Nind is a dating coach and matchmaker at Blue Label Life. Robyn has helped countless singles find love and a partner.

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