What does a confident woman look for in a man?
I previously wrote an article on what a good man is attracted too, so I thought, I should even it out and give the gentleman a heads up!!
The first clue Gentleman……..PLAN………
A woman who respects herself, has pride in herself, cares for the people she loves, wants a loving connection, likes to grow in her life, wants to be a team with a man, is confident with who she is, can be open and vulnerable, is inspiring, is supportive, is confident– well she is the type of woman who loves a plan.
She wants to feel safe, she wants to know she can be vulnerable and you will hold her hand, put your arms around her and protect her…….she will know this when she sees you are capable of taking care of things…
Now I don’t mean taking control, I mean you have thought ahead, she needs to feel you are looking after her and you have her back.
She likes to feel heard, she likes to know you value her, a woman feels connected to the man she can relax around, and she will relax when she knows you can take of things.
Strength of character, a confident woman likes a man with integrity, she likes a man who stands by what he believes in and isn’t easily swayed, influenced, or distracted.
Good manners, respectful in your conversation and she will definitely look at how you speak about other women, and this includes past partners, your mother, sisters, aunts , daughters, nieces, a woman on television, Nanna’s, the woman down the road, your friend’s wife, a woman on the internet, the check-out-chick, all of them, she will pick up everything you say about them…… I can’t stress this one enough……..so let me explain it to you, women are generally sisters, they support each other, nurture each other and rally around each other, if she hears you speak badly of any woman, she will subconsciously hear you speak badly about all women….. she will want a man who is respectful towards all women…
Now that does lead me to giving her your attention when you are with her and not to other women……
Now I am not a man, but I can imagine women can be very confusing, so I think the best way to seduce a woman is to let her know you like her, tell her you like her, and then wait……let her come towards you before you pursue her again…….a woman respects a man who does this……always initiate….but then wait…..let her know you want to get to know who she is…..let her make the first sexual move….let her know you like her…then wait……if you do this….she will think of you as strong…..and that is what you want……..make her wait….then once she makes the first move…..you can then take over…
Compliment her, and when I say compliment her, I mean compliment her efforts….a woman who takes pride in herself and is together in her life makes a lot of effort…….this is a big one….I will give you an example, instead of saying your hair looks great…..add….you always put effort into your appearance and I appreciate that in a woman……or….if you want to compliment her on how she is in good shape…..say you look amazing, well done on the effort you put into looking after yourself…….notice the effort……always notice the effort……I notice you put a lot of effort into your work…….you take a lot of care with people….notice her effort……..and she will feel special……she will feel you have really looked at who she is…….
Talk about your passions……it doesn’t matter what it is…..she will look at how passionate you get…and she will love it……..in her mind she will want you to be that passionate about her…..
Lastly and this is probably one of the most important…..always do what you say you will……..I hear this one every day…….if for some reason you can’t….pick up the phone and talk to her in person…..don’t ever cancel with a text…..or change a plan with a text….she will think you are flakey….speak to her…..make an effort to call her in person…..she will notice this and she will appreciate this……she will feel respected….and she will feel valued……and a confident, attractive, healthy woman will want to be valued…………