How to address self-sabotage on dates?


Are you sabotaging yourself on dates? Are you going on dates that go nowhere? Do you carve a second date with someone?

Following are some simple dating tips to help you stop self-sabotage.

Forgive and forget

Your past is not constantly trying to catch up with you and knock you down, so let go of all your negative dating experiences before. Not all men or women are alike. Allow yourself the opportunity to finally stop dwelling on things that have hurt you in the past.

Related post: How you might be sabotaging your dating life?

Just be yourself

People appreciate it when you are honest with them. Genuine people generate trust according to Forbes and they allow others to open up to them.

Every dating relationship founded on mutual trust has a greater potential to last and flourish.

Take it slow

Don’t make haste it letting your feelings known on the first few dates. Allow each other time before getting intimate. In order to be treated with respect, extend the same courtesy to your date. Do not jump into your emotional bandwagon and send your date running.

 Harness your inner confidence (and manners)

Beat your self-defeating behaviour by letting your natural confidence shine. Your date may be equally nervous too but it shouldn’t be reason enough for either of you to act rudely. Even if you think that your date is not going too well, keep your manners intact and remain nice and polite.

Keep an open mind

Every new date you have has the opportunity to turn into something great. Dating is a repetitive process of getting to know someone better, so don’t be quick to jump to conclusions or assumptions. Allow yourself, and your date, some time to really get to know each other before passing judgment.

If you’re tired of riding the rollercoaster of love, ditch the constant dance of two steps forward and two steps backward when it comes to your dating life. So the next time the bus for self-saboteurs pulls into the station, simply GET OFF.

robyn nind - professional matchmaker

Robyn Nind is a dating coach and matchmaker at Blue Label Life. Robyn has helped countless singles find love and a partner.

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