Valentine’s Day Surivival Guide

Uh oh, it’s that time of the month again that singles dread—Valentine’s day!

Do you scramble to find a hole to burrow in and avoid the all-time annoying question of “Who’s your date this Valentines?”.

Well, fear no more. Here are a few tips to help you overcome Valentine’s Day blues.

Valentine's Day Surivival Guide

Valentine’s Day gives you a chance to reflect and make positive changes in your life.

Create a mantra.

Whether it’s “ Today is about me”  or “I am all the love I need” ,it wouldn’t be the end of the world if you were dateless on this day. Don’t treat your relationship single status as a sad fact. There are millions just like you around the world. Instead think about all the things that you are grateful for, write a list. I promise you’ll start to shine within. The ABC has a great article about being single titled Kerri was ‘extremely single’ for years. She says it was better than being in the wrong relationship  – this is worth a read as it explains that being single does has significant advantages that you ned to be aware of.

Gather an army of single ladies.

Have an action plan. Call all your singe friends and set up a date. Valentines isn’t only a celebration of romantic love. It can also be about love between friends. Have fun and enjoy the company of your friends who understand what you’re going through and who wouldn’t judge you. Who knows, you and your friends might meet a group of singles and hit it off!

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Thinking positive and you will not only feel good you will be more attractive to others. So what if you are single on Valentines Day, think of it as an opportunity to get direction in your love life. Write a list of your action plan of how you are going to expand your social network to meet that special someone. After all activity breeds success.

Make other’s Valentines happy.

They say happiness comes naturally when you make others happy. So why not pay for your parents date when they haven’t been out for a long time, or baby sit for your in-laws so they can have a quiet time alone, or set up your friends who clearly have the hots for each other but just too shy to admit it.

Have a date with yourself.

Do something crazy or naïve you think you’ll never do if you were in a relationship. Maybe watch a cheesy movie or have a reality TV marathon, go sky diving, buy yourself a gift. Have a night in and splurge yourself with all the guilty pleasures you can think of, maybe handmade chocolates or French champagne.

robyn nind - professional matchmaker

Robyn Nind is a dating coach and matchmaker at Blue Label Life. Robyn has helped countless singles find love and a partner.

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