Dating agency blog

October 17, 2013
How often have you heard people express “I love you from the bottom of my heart” or “I love you will all…

October 16, 2013
Listen up, men. You may have a date lined up and ready to go, but getting that first date is only half the…

October 15, 2013
First of all, you should be proud of your achievements ESPECIALLY your own children! There are many family-focused men and women that…

October 12, 2013
Are you sabotaging yourself on dates? Are you going on dates that go nowhere? Do you carve a second date with…

October 10, 2013
How you might be sabotaging your dating life and how to remedy it. How people self-sabotage their dates. You’re single and most…

October 9, 2013
Although finding love has often been compared to taking a rollercoaster ride, this comparison may now be taken in a more literal…

September 25, 2013
Not meeting the right one and wondering why? If you are really ready to receive more love in your life then you…

September 18, 2013
There are many things involved in prepping yourself for a date – deciding where to go, do you go for drinks before…