Dating Advice & Tips

Dating Advice for Single Men and Women

Think you can make use of some dating tips and advice? How many times have you gone on a date to have it end unsuccessfully? You might have made a first bad impression or not known how to respond to something your date said or did. It no longer has to be like that, with our FREE dating tips. Personally written by dating expert and Blue Label Life matchmaker, Robyn Nind, you’ll know all of the secrets to dating success in no time.

Our dating advice is specific to your needs. We offer dating tips for men, women, successful singles, and baby boomers. We even have dating tips for your first date that caters to both men and women.

Dating Do’s and Dont’s

Learn the dating do’s and dont’s of dating on your first date. Some of the questions that we answer include:

  • What to wear on your first date?
  • How to make a man commit?
  • How to read a woman’s body language?
  • And much more!

When you’ve learnt the basic do’s and don’ts of dating, you’ll realise how easy it is to turn that first date into a second, third, and so on. With your new and blossoming relationship, your love life will be transformed and all of your dreams will start becoming a reality.

Blue Label Life’s executive dating tips are there for you to utilise. Better yet, they’re all FREE and available 24/7. Stop going on unsuccessful dates, date after date, and start making use of our FREE dating tips. If you would like more information or want to speak to Robyn NInd, our dating agency expert, please call us on 1300 553 510.

Take control of your love life today!

May 1, 2015

How to Create a Standout Dating Profile As A Man

Online profiles have the potential to ensnare your perfect mate or send them running for the hills. They require attention and careful editing and should present you in the most…

April 10, 2014

Meet Single Women The Easy Way.

You are a successful professional man and spending more and more time at work makes it hard for you to meet a beautiful single woman. It’s also becoming increasingly hard…

February 28, 2014

Meet Single Women Now!

RIGHT WOMAN FOR THE RIGHT MAN - Meet Single women Now! You are a successful professional man and spending more and more time at work makes it hard for you…

January 23, 2014

MR. Single No More

Have you always been tagged as forever Mr. Single? Have your friends grown so accustomed to you not having a romantic life at all? Are you itching to get rid…

MR Single is Always Ready To Mingle

January 22, 2014

MR Single is Always Read To Mingle

Heads up single ladies, you aren’t the only ones struggling with being alone in an overwhelming sea of romantic relationships. In a group of guys, there’s always that one who’s…

June 21, 2013

Dating tips for men

There are so many people offering so many dating tips for men, it’s no wonder you’re all confused. Do you call? Do you text? Do you let her call you?…

October 3, 2011

How to win that gorgeous woman over

Learn the secrets of success with attractive single women - from a woman. I am sure it has happened to you somewhere. Was it the girl in high school with…

September 20, 2011

Top 10 places to meet single women

Dating tips for men: Top ten Places to Meet Single Women Alcohol-fuelled environments are not the be-all and end-all of places to meet quality single women. In fact, the bar/club…

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