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Special Qualities of a Man that Mean He’s a Keeper!

What are some special qualities of a man that mean he’s a keeper? You are dating this man and the feeling seems mutual, you like him and he likes you. What can possibly go wrong when you appear to have a common interest for each other?

Is the man you are with worth your affection? Is he that one great man you hope to spend the rest of your life with? What are the signs he is a keeper? Let me show you girlfriend!
signs he is a keeper
Men are different from one another just like women are. Some men dream to be loving partners while others are not fitted to become one, others may steer clear from relationships and others may want to take the road towards romance.

So how do you determine if he is showing the signs he is a keeper? Is he really that great man you should never let go of? Below are special qualities of a man which proves he is such a keeper.

1. He sees the real you

No, I am not referring about seeing you physically or admiring what is seen on the outside, yes this matters but what is really essential is he sees the real you. He looks at you and immediately sees how beautiful you are as a person, he celebrates your character and admires who you are. He looks at you with his heart and he can see clearly how a wonderful woman you are.

2. He’s a gentleman

He’s timeless with his ways. He’s respectful and courteous. He attends to your needs like his own. Surely, the world is a better place with him in it.

3. He has dreams

He is a man with a plan. He has dreams for himself and the future with you in it. He can be ambitious but he has convictions in achieving his dreams the right way.

4. He is mature

To be mature means he is able to take care of himself and he specially takes care of you. He thinks and acts as a grown man should. He’s lifestyle exhibits maturity as well, from his choices to how he carries himself.

5. He is confident

He believes in himself and is confident with his decisions. He believes in your capacity and admires it just like he believes in his capabilities. He knows what he wants and definitely knows how to get it.

6. He makes you smile

He puts on an effort to see a smile pasted on your lips and how he loves that sight. When you smile his face lights up too.

7. He takes care of you

Everybody woman wants to feel safe and secure and he ensures you don’t have to worry about that. He’s protective but not controlling. It means he cares for you so much that he always wants you safe and sound.

8. He is supportive, he is your rock!

When your man supports you with your decisions and your plans then you are one lucky girl.

9. He makes you feel beautiful

He admires your beauty inside and out. He tells you your beautiful and doesn’t shy away from it. He is even proud of you.

10. He keeps his word

He fulfills his promises. He is a man of honor and integrity.

11. He’s selfless

When a man truly loves you, he focuses on your needs before his own. He shows you how much he values you by making you part of his plans and decisions.

12. He wants to keep you

Well ladies, this means he wants to be with you!

If your man has these special qualities, they are true signs he is a keeper, then you better hold on and never let him go!

Click here for more executive dating Sydney information and executive dating Melbourne information.

7 Essential First Date Questions

7 Essential First Date Questions

First date

First dates don’t have to be daunting. Sometimes no matter how unpredictable the outcome is, first dates remain an essential part of having a serious and lasting relationship. Good impressions always count because it can signify a great beginning, so what are the 7 essential first date questions you need to ask?

Keep in mind though, that dating should be a fun and exciting time, so take things slowly and remember to breathe. Perhaps lay off on the overeager questions, as much as possible avoid too deep conversations and keep it free flowing. You should keep the conversation light and fun to make yourselves both comfortable and you will eventually find out hints to determine your compatibility with each other.

Aside from aiming to have a good and clean appearance on your first date, show interest by asking questions to keep the conversations going, it may be hard at first but just listen intently to show your date your genuine interest.

So are you ready to make that good impression? Be yourself, ready that smile and ask these questions on your first date. Let’s start on our 7 essential first date questions you need to ask.

1. What’s your favorite dessert?

This is simple yet sweet. You can never go wrong with this question, I mean who doesn’t love desserts? You might be able to bring one if you’re lucky to have a next date!

2. Do you love to travel?

This topic is interesting which can definitely keep the conversation rolling. Know the places your date has been or the places they want to go, then you can see if you have common interests or common places that you can both talk about.

3. What do you find attractive?

Hoping they will answer “YOU”? You are on your first date so maybe? This lets you know what they likes or what they find pleasing.

4. What do you do for a living?

Do you think this question matters? Yes of course it does, because you will find out if she’s passionate about her work or positive about her profession or if they are driven to achieve what they want in life.

5. What is number one on your bucket list?

Know what she really wants to pursue or what she’s looking forward to.

6. Who is your role model?

You’ll eventually get a hint of who they are and what they want by who they looks up to. Her decisions may be the result of wanting to achieve the life they really hopes for.

 7. Do you have close family?

This question opens the door for your date to talk about their family. It can give you an amazing insight into a person as to their relationship with their family. Do they want to have a family in the future? This is essential as you need to know if you are both on the same page with regards to your future.

 There may be many other questions that may arise, however these 7 essential first date questions you need to ask are a great starting point. Remember to be yourself and be prepared for her questions as well, these never pretend and never lie because even if it’s just a first date, you are building your character and showing your personality which would land you her trust to maybe able to proceed to a second date. All the best of luck to you!

Click here for more executive dating Sydney and executive dating  Melbourne information.

First date

How does Your Birth Order Affect Your Relationships?

How does Your Birth Order Affect Your Relationships?

How does your birth order affect your relationship? Did you know that your birth order or positioning in the family can shape your personality and therefore, affect your decisions? According to William Cane, author of The Birth Order Book of Love, “Your personality is directly related on how you interact with other people”. Evidently, your first experience in interaction is with your family, that is, your parents and your siblings.

Your birth order not only forms your personality but it naturally affects your romantic relationship as well. The sibling ranking commonly comprises of firstborn, middle child, lastborn and only child and researchers agree that each ranking has unique and differing traits, each has its own strengths and weaknesses. So figuring out your birth order as well as your significant other can help you predict compatibility. Yes, you can find your perfect match by just learning about his or her family’s birth order of hierarchy.

Birth order plays a big role in relationships, it can help you to understand others which will help you deal with potential conflict that may arise between you and your partner. So how does birth order affect relationships?Birth order


Naturally, firstborns are overwhelmed with love and attention being the first child in the family. They tend to be ambitious, aggressive and controlling, “Firstborns like to be in control” according to William Cane. They are organized and are natural born leaders. Oldest sons enjoy recognition who wants to do things their way, on the other hand, oldest daughters are bossy and confident compared to their younger siblings.

Middle Child

The middle child is stuck in the middle, therefore they tend to mediate, perceived as good communicators between their bossy older siblings and the needy younger ones. But they are characterized as rebellious and secretive, who don’t usually share their feelings. Their strength relies in the fact that they are flexible, sociable and they compromise well with others. Plus, they are independent!


Who can resist the charmer in the family? The lastborn children are usually labeled as spoiled because they are not only taken care of their parents but their older siblings as well. They almost always get what they want and are less responsible compared to the older siblings. But take notice, that they are very affectionate and engaging, sweet creatures who love to be the center of attention.

Only Child

The only children of the family are pampered and precious, thus they are used to having all the attention. But they tend to be mature and responsible. Their personalities can develop uniquely due to their lack of siblings compared to those who grew up and compete with their siblings.

After discussing the different birth orders, let us see who perfectly matches who! You’ll see how your birth order affects your relationships, there is a science behind it.

Oldest with Oldest

Two firstborns often clash with each other! They are both domineering who both want to control the situation. This combination may fight over simple things like what movie to watch or where to go on a date. They have both strong personalities making the relationship intense. The best thing to do to survive this relationship is to consider compromise to understand each other.

Oldest with Middle

A great pair! But because the middle children are so used to compromising she may feel too comfortable with a knowledgeable and controlling partner that she might lose sight of her own interests and goals. If you are the middle child continually seek ways to improve and your partner who is a firstborn should be there to encourage you and make you be better.

Oldest with Youngest

This can actually be a win-win combination because the pair tend to take care of each other well. Someone who wants to be in control and someone who needs attention. Their needs and personality usually click!

Middle with Middle

Dr. Salmon Even says, “In studies of marital satisfaction, middle children fare best all around.” The only problem that may arise is with communication because middle children are secretive. The best relationship tip would be to have frequent conversations about your relationship and your goals.

Middle with Youngest

This can be a pretty good match. The middle who loves to compromise and negotiate and the youngest who loves to seek attention but is a social butterfly. They both can learn from each other and can eventually make things work.

Youngest with Youngest

While this pairing can be a lot of fun, having carefree, charming and sociable individuals, a problem may arise when both of the youngest refuse to take any responsibility. Who’s in charge? The best way to survive this kind of relationship is to have a balance of everything, try to have a division of workload and take responsibility!

Only Child with Anyone

Only children are most likely to be compatible with any birth order type as long as the partner can determine the dominating characteristics of the only child.Birth order

So there you have it, you now can see how your birth order affects your relationships.

A rewarding romantic relationship isn’t easy to come by. Like any other relationships, it needs a lot of dedication, effort and understanding. The birth order can do only as much as making you understand your partner more or finding a partner you can deal with. Still, relationships need two people who are constantly working together with love and respect for each other in order to make any relationship last.

Click here for more executive dating Sydney and executive dating Melbourne information.

What to Expect when Dating a Single Mother

What to Expect when Dating a Single Mother

What should one expect when dating a single mother? A single mother has a backbone made of steel and a heart made of gold. Contemplate on that and see what to expect when dating a single mother! They are beautiful creatures who have nothing but utmost love for their children, they are strong and independent. But while a single mother is remarkable just the way she is, she is also single who may still be hoping for her one true love.Mothers love

Now if you are dating a single mother, expect a bumpy ride on a busy street. It’s not going to be easy but as what I have just said, a single mother has a heart of gold so it’s all going to be worth it.

Understand Her Priorities

You have to anticipate that single mothers love their children more than anything in the world. Her kid will always be her number one priority so don’t be jealous with all the affection and attention she has with her child, remember that she is staying strong and doing everything she can so her child doesn’t feel that he is missing a parent. Like her, you should be emotionally, mentally and physically ready.

Make Her Feel It’s Worth Her Time

Her time is gold because she has a responsibility that naturally, should be shared by two people, but she is handling it all on her own, so if you go out on a date with her, prepare ahead of time, make her feel special and make her feel that it’s worth her time.

You should make her feel invigorated, because almost always she gets consumed with her responsibilities that she forgets to have time for herself, she gets exhausted but she just keeps on moving, it is best to know that you are there to support and understand her.

Single Mother Comes in a Package

You have to understand that she puts her child’s best interest before her own, she tends to guard and protect herself because she has a life that she’s responsible for, if she cannot function well then that would affect her child. Expect that she will be happy if you find it in your heart to love her child because with a single mother, everything comes in a package, she’s not performing solo but a duet she will be doing with her child for the rest of her life.

If you are not ready to handle her situation or at least you are not brave enough to try, then don’t! In the first place, single mothers don’t need saving, they are not damsels in distress, they are queens in their own right, independent, smart and strong! But if you are valiant enough to properly behave with her then you might as well be her king.

Click here for more executive dating Sydney and executive dating Melbourne information.

The Best Relationship Advice We Have Ever Received

The Best Relationship Advice We Have Ever Received

Relationships are anything but easy! It takes effort, time, trust, respect and a whole lot of best relationship advice ever (2)love. It faces difficulties and challenges. Yes it is rewarding, but don’t expect to always have a smooth ride, there will be bumps, there will be crossroads and there will be dead ends.

Sometimes relationships get confusing but here are the best relationship advice we have ever received. Relationships enable individuals to become better with their connections and feel better about themselves.

1.Take a Risk!

I was advised by a friend to not be consumed with fear of rejection and pain. I once was involved with a man, who is in a relationship with someone else, though we both felt the same attraction and admiration for each other, I remain distant because I was never his choice. Years passed and we met again, we were both single at that time. We have always been comfortable and compatible with each other, but I was scared, I was rejected by him before and it will be too painful to face it all again. But my friend insisted that I should believe in second chances, that I should take a risk and I did, and now we are happily married.

2.  Be Yourself.

As cliché as it sounds, it’s still a timeless advice. I always try so hard during first dates, I overdressed, I speak too enthusiastically and just would pretend to like whatever my date is saying which is totally a mistake, everything would turn out tragically. Good thing I listened and threw away the facade. I should just be proud of myself and let others see who I really am.

3. Be confident.

I would usually doubt myself in relationships, believing I’m not good enough to even have one. I had a low self-esteem which can be clearly seen by others. When a friend of mine told me I should believe more in myself and be optimistic, I was hesitant, but thinking that how can others believe in me when I’m having a hard time believing in myself? I am a changed woman now, opening myself to others and going on dates.

4. Stop Waiting.

I was very idealistic, I believed in ever after and prince charmings. I was used to waiting until I noticed why am I the only one who’s not in a relationship? Precisely because I was just waiting, I wasn’t doing anything at all and expecting that someone would come and save me. Now, I make the moves!

5. Communicate!

This is probably one of the most important factors to have a lasting and rewarding relationship. When you are comfortable enough to talk and listen to your partner, you’ll survive challenges!

6. Don’t Over-Analyze!

For quite some time, I have been a failure with dating because I worry too much, I was too concern of what my dates think of me that I lost sight of enjoying the experience. Bet I was a stiff and a bore during my dates. But that was before.

7. Be a Gentleman.

I never forget what my parents told me, to always be a gentleman no matter how times change. I’m glad I did though because I am married to a woman who deserves all the honor and respect in the world.

Do you have an advice? Feel free to comment.

Click here for more executive dating Sydney and executive dating Melbourne information.

best advice

How to Improve Your Self Confidence when Dating?

How to Improve Your Self Confidence when Dating?

Even the most confident people can be overcome by nerves on a first date.

Whether you are feeling a bout of full-blown nervousness or simply a little bit of jitters, you too can have confidence when you are dating simply by knowing what to focus on and being prepared.

You really  can boost your confidence when dating to a whole new level, so sit back, relax and apply these tips:

Be Prepared!

You are not preparing for a battle; you are prepping up for a date, so familiarize yourself with possible topics of conversation. It’s a first date, so don’t expect your date to be philosophical about everything. If you come well prepared, everybody will think you are confident.

Also Read: Top 10 Secrets to Increase Attraction on a First Date

Look Your Best!

The statement “Dress to Impress” sounds all too familiar, and it may just be applicable on a first date. I’m not saying you have to channel your inner James Bond with a coat and a tie, always prioritize comfort over style, and wear something decent and suitable that makes you comfortable or else your date will notice any discomfort on your part.

Seventeen has a great article titled, so make sure you take a quick look before that first date: 12 First Date Outfits That’ll Have You Feeling Flirty and Fabulous.

Don’t Put a Façade!

Don’t give your date a false idea of yourself. Here comes the cliché you are tired of hearing “Be Yourself”. Don’t force yourself into wanting something you don’t or pretending you agree with your date even if you don’t.

Radiate Confidence.

You can do this by reminding yourself of your past achievements or the battles you have triumphed. Do anything before your date that can lift your spirit. By the time you are on your date, you will be a picture of confidence.

Be Positive and Smile!

Avoid negative thoughts and self-serving statements. As much as possible, focus on affirmative and engaging conversations, and don’t forget to smile because a smile goes a long way; it’s friendly, warm and inviting.

It’s just a date! Stop thinking about the outcome because you’ll lose focus, and you’ll end up doubting yourself and being pessimistic about everything. Instead, enjoy the experience because, as they say, it’s not all about the destination; it’s about the journey.

Ladies, Here are 3 Reasons Why You Should Make The First Move

Ladies, Here are 3 Reasons Why You Should Make The First Move

Do you ever feel like your waiting around for that guy to ask you out and it seems like it’s never going to happen?

And as a result you end up moping and let time slip by while around asking yourself why isn’t he just taking action? Do you end up with formulating out of this world conclusions and that just bring yourself down in the process!

Time to put a STOP to that!

Perhaps you need to take a leap of faith and make a change,  all you have got to do is take charge and go and get that man!


Yes ladies, I am talking about making the first move.

Whilst it may feel counter intuitive it actually works! As a  successful woman you know what you want in the business world, you set goals, put together a plan and take action and guess what? It gives you amazing results doesn’t it?

So imagine if you applied the same success principles in your personal life, things would change wouldn’t they?

Imagine if you could have the same success in your love life as your career? Well You Can!

Stop associating yourself with the talked about, allegedly women’s logic that says: “When a woman likes a guy, she does nothing and expect the guy to magically know about it“.

Sounds familiar right? Because we are all guilty of this, society  has etched in us the idea that women should never make the first move, that women should just wait and wait and wait.

Times have changed, he isn’t psychic, the smart girls are out there taking action!

I am telling you now ladies, that you can make the first move starting today!

Here are the reasons why:

Confidence Spells Attractive

Be bold. A confident woman knows her worth and is self-assured. Confidence is the new sexy so I have heard! I bet most men want their women strong and daring. Believe me when I say, making the first move is empowering!

Avoid Waiting in Vain

So you like him? Go ahead and make the first move, introduce yourself, spark an interesting conversation and perhaps exchange numbers.

Right there and then you will know if he is also into you by observing his body language or how he responds to you. If he is not interested then move on, at least you don’t get stuck with what ifs or could have beens.

Ladies, you have to consider that men sometimes get shy too.

Don’t Miss a Wonderful Opportunity

Just do it! It might be risky, it might be scary but then again, you will never know until you try.
You can always choose to sit around and wait but why choose something unproductive and possibly miss a chance with a partner you have been wanting to be with?

There will always be a voice in your head that will keep on haunting you as to why you did not try at all. And hey, it’s not like you are baring your soul for the whole world to see, a simple and sweet “hi” might be enough, imagine that two-letter word create a magnitude of an impact in your life if something actually would happen.

We are all scared of rejection, men and women alike. But according to Dr. Steve Maraboli, a keynote speaker about Behavioural Science that every time you think you are being rejected from something good, you are actually being redirected to something better!

I don’t know about you but I certainly like to be redirected to something better ;-)

So ladies, with that thought in mind, would you make the first move today?

Click here for more executive dating Sydney and executive dating  Melbourne information.

What Types Of People Use Matchmaking Services?

Have You Ever Wondered What Type Of People Use Matchmaking Services?

Single professional men, executive women, business owners and entrepreneurs who are looking to meet the right person to settle down with and have a family or get married for the second time round and get it right use matchmaking services.


matchmaking services


Our matchmaking clients have achieved success in their careers, they are global and travel extensively, have nice homes, cars, they like eating out, they are cultured enjoy the arts, escaping to a movie, relaxing to music and lead healthy lifestyles as they like to exercise.

Their careers tend to take up a large chunk of their time, most of their friends are in relationships which further limits their network and quality is important to them.

They have something really big in their life missing and that is ‘love’, that someone special. They crave a real connection.

They are bewildered as to how they get everything else right in their life, yet can’t seem to manage a happy health relationship with the right person.

They see the value in outsourcing to a professional as they have invested a significant amount of time and money into their careers and realise if they put in a fraction to investing in finding someone that they can match the same success in their love life as their careers.

The little steps make all the difference and bring them closer to their outcome.

What Types Of Women Use Matchmaking Services?

The single women are strong, smart and successful and want to meet a man to share their life with to make plans for the future.

She can be so independent all she has to do is to let go, bring down her walls, throw away her armour and everything will be ok. She will have the relationship she has always wanted.

Just like a chocolate eclair, she is strong on the outside and soft on the inside.  When she learns to embrace her femininity life changes dramatically. Her relationship with herself, men and everyone in her life improves, she is empowered and finally feels connected and grounded.

It’s what she has been waiting for her whole life. She is connected with her goddess within.

Men will see her as a catch and be absolutely melt in her presence. This is what I teach in my signature program. You too can have it all! Career, love, life and family!

Also read: Over 40’s Dating in Sydney & Melbourne, why use a matchmaker?

She will think, “If only I had done this sooner” as she walks away in her man’s arms into the sunset as they plan their future.

What Type Of Men Use A Matchmaking Service?

The men are what I call husband material. They are amazing, the want commitment, yes even marriage, they want a family or for some they want to find “the love of their life”, and or get it right second time round.

The men are successful professionals, executives, business owners, specialists in their field.
We tend to attract very masculine minded men. They are logical, can be analytical and family orientated.

When they meet a woman they like they take action quickly because she is what he has been looking for his whole life. He knows what he wants and takes the steps to secure their union.

They are great protectors, providers and can be traditional in some ways. They are global, well-travelled, some have lived internationally, they are romantic, enjoy weekends away, thinking big and want to meet a woman they call their “best friend”.

They are looking for more than just a pretty face, they want someone that understands them and connects with them intellectually.
Intelligence, family, trust, honesty and integrity are major values for both men and women.

The men tend to be confused by women and want to understand them, a part of them is a little afraid of getting hurt because our clients are “nice” men, they may have experienced a turbulent relationship in the past.

They have big hearts.